Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekly Verse: 10/7 - Why Should We Tithe

A few months ago, our pastor spoke about tithing and while I've heard about tithing my entire life, I realized that my idea of giving money to the church was ALL wrong. Yes, I'm going to talk about money - please do not stop reading ;-) You see, for the longest time I gave to the church because it was expected. I didn't give the 10% but I gave what I thought I could afford. I did it because that is what the Bible says for us to do. I was being obedient. Bonus points, right? WRONG! According to the word, God doesn't want us to give our tithe, our 10% because we HAVE to. He wants us to give our tithe with a loving and giving heart. I learned more about this in April when Pastor Troy spoke about tithing and presented our church with a tithe challenge.

This is our tithe story: This spring Pastor Troy initiated the tithe challenge. My husband and I had been tithing each week, but it was a small amount as it's all we thought we could afford. While Pastor Troy talked about the challenge he asked those who currently tithe to increase to 10%. He said that in all of his years he had never seen someone take the challenge and not experience a miracle; we needed a miracle so we took the challenge. While Pastor Troy was talking about the tithe challenge, I wrote a message on my iPad to my husband ("what if a baby is our miracle?"). After almost 4 years of trying to get pregnant, and going through fertility treatments, my husband and I had been unsuccessful.

Through the 90 day challenge, we did not experience financial hardship like we thought we would, which was a relief, but we also didn't have a positive pregnancy test in that time either. However, we refused to stop tithing and continued with to tithe with faith. It felt great to give our money to the church and see how it was being used to help so many others!

Like I said, the challenge ended, but we continued to give in faith! I tithed one Monday after church; I texted my husband, like always, to let him know. Within 10 minutes, something spoke to my heart and told me to go get a pregnancy test, this is not something I was anticipating or even thinking about. I took the test on my lunch break and it was positive!

I had blood work the next day and my levels were 147, the doctor wanted me to come back a few days later and told me my numbers had to double for us to know if this was a viable pregnancy. We began praying for the number 300. When I had my blood test a few days later my number had more than TRIPLED to 500!

When we looked back on the calendar we saw that I conceived on the LAST WEEK of the tithe challenge! We continue to tithe and I have to say we continue to be blessed!

Please note: I am not saying that you should start tithing so you can witness a miracle, that's backwards. But I will say, that when you make a sacrifice for God you will be amazed at the things he can and will do in your life!

This week's verse focuses on tithing: "But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Cor. 9:6-7)

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