Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekly Verse: 9/29

Recently, our church, Freedom House, had Life Group sign ups.  I joined one back in the spring, and it was an indescribable experience so I decided to join another one. This one is called Daughters of the King. 

In this life group, we are reading a book The Circle Maker and focusing on prayer. 

We were asked to start a prayer journal, where we continuously write down the prayer requests of others. I love the idea of a prayer journal, and had started one back in the spring. I know some people think it's old fashioned, but what's wrong with old fashioned? Many times people have asked for prayer and I've said that I would pray for them. But soon I would forget their needs and begin praying for others. The prayer journal keeps me on track and even better, let's me "see" answered prayers! 

This past Monday we had our Life Group meeting and we were divided into groups; these groups have now become our prayer circles. It is a wonderful feeling to know that you have a group of women praying for you. And there is so much power in group prayer. 

While this verse doesn't speak solely about prayer, I think it does show that there is so much power and strength when Christians come together and take a stand with one another. 

This week's verse is:
For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20 NKJV)

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