Sunday, July 28, 2013

Weekly Verse: 7/28

Recently a friend said to me, "I guess we've reached that point in our lives when we stop going to as many weddings and we start going to funerals instead." This was a sad, yet startlingly true, statement. Over the past few weeks I have seen so many friends lay their loved ones to rest. 
Anytime someone experiences the death of a loved one I begin to think, "how would I react if that was my parent, my aunt, my brother, etc?" and "what scripture would get me through that situation?" So I began a journey for scriptures referencing death.  I finally found the two verses that seem so comforting to me.  I know how painful it is to lose a loved one, but I can rejoice in knowing that mine are with the Lord!  
If you have recently lost a loved one, I hope these 2 verses give you peace 💜

So we always have confidence. We know that while we live in this body, we are away from the Lord...So I say that we have confidence. And we really want to be away from this body and be at home with the Lord. (2 Corinthians 5:6, 8 ERV)

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