This weekend, while my parents were visiting I suddenly needed some healing. This is what happened:
Friday night, I had some severe back pain. With my history of back problems I figured I had tweaked it so I tried stretching; and when that didn't ease the pain I just went to bed with an ice pack.
Saturday at 4:30 am, I woke up to use the bathroom and the pain from Friday night was back but even more severe! For an hour I wrestled with the pain. Fighting it as best I could. Finally, when I couldn't walk out of the bathroom and fell to the floor, I realized I needed to go to the Emergency Room.
I do NOT like ERs, mainly because I think the cost of going is insanely expensive and I don't like to "waste" money. I will avoid a trip at all costs. But this Saturday, doubled-over in pain and tears streaming down my face I woke Barrett and told him we needed to go to the ER. All of my symptoms were that of a Kidney Infection and I was scared to death.
I have never experienced pain like this before. I couldn't stand up straight, I was sweating through my clothes, and started dry heaving on the way to the hospital. We both were VERY scared.
While holding hands in the car, I began praying out loud. I asked God to use his healing hands to heal my body and take the pain away. Within a minute of praying, I was able to sit up straight and the pain in my right, lower back was beginning to subside. Eight minutes later when we arrived at the hospital, my pain was gone! I looked at Barrett while we were walking inside and told him that I wasn't in pain and could wait to go to Urgent Care (it would open 2 hours later - and be much cheaper).
I ended up with a slight bladder infection and haven't had the pain return. Our God is a healer! If you have an illness or know someone who does, I urge you to not only pray but to have faith! We both believed that God would take care of me and he did!
There's no question - we serve an AMAZING God! <3