Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Baby Train Booked - Please wait for the next one to pass

As my friends and I near (and some pass) our 30s it seems like we're all on the same track and always have been.  Starting a few years ago, we saw the Marriage Train in the distance and urged our current boyfriends to buy us a ticket, loaded up an entire car, and all headed to the chapel.  We all discussed our futures with one another and began settling into the married life.  We stopped partying EVERY weekend and started having alone time and building a solid relationship with our partners.  Two years later, at the station together once again, we saw the Baby Train.  Ready to hop on for an unforgettable ride, we loaded on two by two into separate cars.  That is to say, everyone else loaded on.  Apparently, the train was booked, because when it left the station Hubby and I were still on the platform waving as all of our friends slowly disappeared.  That was a year ago.

This year, another Baby Train has passed, no ticket purchased, and we're in the distance waving goodbye. 

If any of you reading this have ever tried getting pregnant with no success, you know the heartache that is insued.  At first it seems easy; just like we learned in middle and high school, sex=baby!  Yeah right, it's not that easy.  And thus, the challenge begins.  With anxiety and excitement you begin with the First step: visit BabyCenter.com.  They give you an ovulation calculator to predict WHEN you will ovulate.  Perfect!  I've always wanted scheduled times to have intimate sessions with my husband! And yes, they do turn into sessions.  A few months later you take the Second step: Google "Why can't I get pregnant?".  This of course leads you to several "accredited" websites, I mean they do say Dr. at the top!  You read these and you are given a multitude of reasons as to why you may not have conceived.  Most leading to paranoia as some are life-threatening illnesses. Move on to the Third step, ask pregnant friends how they did it; I mean after all they are pregnant!  They tell you, "I did a handstand" or "You have to do it this way" or you get a sentence that starts "This might sound weird, but you should" and at that point you stop listening!  The funny thing is that you will TRY all of these weird, bizarre tactics and when they don't work, go back to your friends and ask them if you did it right!  Fourth step, cry every time you get your period (okay it's not really a step, more of a symptom, but whatever!).  Fifth  and Final step, you begin wondering what you will do if you can't get pregnant naturally.  Will you just keep trying, will you try IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), will you adopt?  Some of you might find the fifth step to be a big jump, but like all the Doctor websites say, "When you decide you want to get pregnant, you want to get pregnant like yesterday."

So yesterday: it came and went and there was not room on the train.  Another yesterday, another train and we're still sitting at the station waiting for a ticket.  However, I do have faith that there is a train in the distance, maybe I just can't see it through the pregnant women and babies clouding my view; I know it will come with an available spot, and when it does I will welcome the unforgettable ride that awaits!

1 comment:

  1. Aww Sarah, so sorry for you to go through this. I know it's painful even though I haven't experienced it. I really want to adopt, so I would super support you if you wanted to go that route. I also read the other day about some new thing that people are doing rather than all the craziness of IVF. If you want me to look it up I will. I'll be praying for you, and thanks for opening up about it. I know a lot of friends that have gone through it, and I know that people look to things like what you've written for support.
