She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. (Proverbs 31:27 NET)
- deep cleaning: I'm talking baseboards and even cleaning supplies. Yep I clean my cleaning supplies (Monica-Syndrome);
- straightening closets, sifting through clothes to give to goodwill
- painting and redecorating rooms
- and my favorite, sewing projects
Having several weeks off in a row allows me to be so productive, but I still find time to lay by the pool, go shopping, and see my friends. My summer goal though? It's to stay busy. Remember when you were a kid and your mom would tell you "idle hands are the devil's workshop". Well, that's the same even when we're adults. When we become idle, we get bored; and when we're bored we get into trouble.
Trouble can have many different faces for each person. My worst two are drinking and gossip. If I'm bored and don't stay busy I will find myself allowing these two evils to take over me. My medicine...busy hands. I stay busy with things that I enjoy (clarification: I enjoy a clean home, not actually cleaning!). At the end of the day, each day, I am happy with the activities that have filled my day and not ashamed of how I've acted.
Do you find yourself bored on the weekend, over the summer, after work? What do you do to stay busy? What's your hobby?