Three years ago, I decided to go back to school and earn my Master's Degree in Instructional Technology. I contemplated for many years as to what I wanted to do in terms of a Master's Degree. The more I thought about my teaching career the more I realized how much I enjoyed using technology in the classroom and engaging my students in the lecture/lesson. While getting my degree, I began interviewing for Technology Facilitator positions within my school system. For two years I interviewed at every level (elementary to high to opportunity schools); 4 of my 6 interviews came down to myself and another candidate, the other candidate always being chosen. In June of this year, I interviewed at yet another school. The principal called me specifically to tell me that she was undecided between another interviewee and myself and wanted me for a second interview. I went, knocked it out of the ballpark, and waited to for "the" call. It came, the job went, and the tears flooded (I honestly don't think my husband has ever seen me cry like that - he looked startled). I told my husband that I would try again, but that for once I was starting to feel defeated.
This August, during our teacher workdays, I was contacted once again for an interview (taking place the day before school started). This time I was interviewing for a position at an elementary school and began to get very nervous as people started questioning how I would handle the change from high school students to elementary-aged. I went to the interview, it was the shortest one I've had thus far, and waited for the call. The call came, the same night as the Britney Spears concert, and I got the job! Finally, my tears of joy came! In October of this year, I will be changing my career status from that of classroom teacher to technology facilitator. Although, I am sad to leave the classroom and the 96 students that I am getting to know this semester, I am thrilled to open a new chapter in my life. I expect a lot of challenges with this new title and set of duties, but I am looking forward to helping educators enhance their teaching techniques. And once I get my footing, I look forward to going back to school and getting my doctorate. This is a long road to be traveled, but I am full of energy and ready run!
Until next time,