Growing up I was always the Tom Boy - I was constantly outside playing, running, riding my bike, climbing trees, and skinning my knees. Don't get me wrong, I had baby dolls, stuffed animals, and the Barbie Dream house, but normally I preferred to hang with the boys (that's all there was around) and get dirty. As I've gotten older, I've come to enjoy being a girly girl: staying in cooking and sewing and of course shopping. I still get out and play tennis regularly, but that's about the extent of my outdoorsy self.
My husband has recently begun mountain biking regularly and we've looked into purchasing a bike for myself. We haven't found one that is the right size, that I can test out, so one has not been purchased. Today, I realized that it is a good idea that we did not spend money on the purchase of a bike. We went to US National Whitewater Center to go mountain biking; we took the beginner trail as I have never actually ridden a mountain bike. Imagine if you will, a young woman riding on a trail for over an hour, this is what Barrett heard for a full hour - "Oh God!" "Ooooo God!!" "Oh no!" "EEeeeee!!!!" "Huuuuuh" Oh shit, oh shit" "Oh my God" Oh God" "UH" "UH" and I believe there were a few "Hehhhhhh's" in there too. In the parking lot alone, there were several "Oh God's" and occasionally when there was a bump, or mini-hill, the phrase "How am I supposed to get through here" came up, whilst I stopped making getting up the hill even more difficult. I fell, I cried, I screamed, and I cursed, A LOT! As you can imagine, I have come to the conclusion that I am not a biker. I love to hike and I enjoy being outside because it allows me peace and a chance to relax; but riding on a bike over bumps, hills, tree stumps, rocks and taking sharp turns, is not for me.
I am glad that I had this experience, but I am more thankful that my husband offered to buy me a pair of shoes just for trying it!
Yep, I have transformed from Tom Boy to Girly Girl! And I love it! :)